3Eurasian patent application filing
Summary of the procedure Payment of the state dutyNotification of a positive result of the formal check

Contact details


Entity in charge

Eurasian Patent Organization

2, Cherkassky per., 109012 Moscow
Phone: +7(495) 411-61-50 / +7(495) 411-61-61  
Tel. 1: +7 (495) 616-22-53


1. 1 - EPO_blanks docs 
EPO_blanks docs

Legal justification

1. 1 - EPO_convention 

Additional information

Obtaining a Eurasian patent ensures protection of the rights of physical persons and legal entities concerning their inventions in all the countries that are part of the Convention.
The Eurasian application for Eurasian patent is filed to the Eurasian Patent Office.
Applicants from the countries that are part of the Convention file their applications in the national patent offices in their countries, if this is possible according te the country’s law.
The national patent office resends the Eurasian application. This application is considered filed to the Eurasian Patent office the same day.
Eurasian patent application can be filed in hard format or in other forms, allowed by Eurasian patent organization, including electronic form.
Eurasian patent application should contain:
-description of the invention,
-invention formula,
-drafts and other materials if they are necessary to understand the essence of the invention,
-summary and other materials stipulated by Eurasian patent legislation.
The Eurasian patent application should also contain the single procedure duty receipt in the stated amount, and the power of attorney if the application is filed by a representative of the applicant.