8Payment of duty for issuance and publication of an Eurasian patent
Summary of the procedure Notification of a positive results of the substantial checkObtainment of Eurasian Patent

Contact details


Entity in charge

Any Bank in Moscow



1. 1 - EPO_bank details 
EPO_bank details  (original)
2. 2 - Payment order 
Payment order  (original)
For a legal entity
3. 3 - Receipt 
Receipt  (original)
For a person
4. 4 - Application for issuance of the patent 
Application for issuance of the patent  (original)


RUB 16,000  (For publication of hard copies of Eurasian patent)
RUB 160  (If there is more than 35 pages in the materials to be published an additional duty is to be paid for 36th page and for every one following page)
RUB 3,200  (If the patent issuance duty is paid within two months after the expiration of the initial four-months period, an additional duty should be paid)

Time frame

The duty should be paid within four months from the date EAPO sends the applicant a notification stating it is ready to issue a Eurasian patent. If within the period stated above the applicant doesn’t pay the duty for issuance of a Eurasian patent, it can be paid within two months from the date of expiration of the initial two-month period provided the additional duty is paid. If the duty, including the additional late payment duty, is not paid within the stated period, the Eurasian patent is not paid and the application is considered revoked

Legal justification

1. 1 - EPO_convention 

Additional information

The duty payment receipt is presented together with the petition for issuance of the patent.
If the duty payment receipt is not presented together with the petition, the petition is deemed not filed.