3Application for a patent granting (industrial design)
Summary of the procedure State duty payment for application (industrial design)State duty payment/ substantive examination (industrial designs)

Contact details


Entity in charge

Federal institute of intellectual property, Rospatent

Berezhkovskaya nab., bld.30-1, 123995  Moscow
Phone: +7 (499)240-60-15 / +7 (499)240-61-38 
Tel. 1: +7 (499) 243-33-37 / +7 (499) 234-30-58
http://www.fips.ru/, http://www.rupto.ru/

Unit in charge

Incoming correspondence Dept.


Expected results


1. 1 - Rospatent_applications_industrial designs 
Rospatent_applications_industrial designs  (original)
2. 2 - Set of images 
Set of images  (original)
3. 3 - Draft overview of the item 
Draft overview of the item  (original)
4. 4 - Description of industrial design 
Description of industrial design  (original)
5. 5 - List of the significant features of industrial design 
List of the significant features of industrial design  (original)
6. 6 - Supporting documents 
Supporting documents  (original)

Legal justification

1. 1 - Civil Code of RF (Part IV) 
Civil Code of RF (Part IV)
Decree of Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation No.325 dated October 29, 2008

Additional information

The application is to be filed to the Federal institution of intellectual property.
The documents are to be presented directly, or by mail.
The application can be filed by the applicant directly or through a patent solicitor dully registered or through a different kind of representative. Citizens of Russian Federation who permanently reside out of the territory of Russia as well as foreign legal entities communicate to Rospatent through patent solicitors registered at Rospatent unless otherwise provided by an international agreement of Russian Federation.

The application pack includes:
-application for issuance of a patent for an industrial design stating the name of the inventor and the person the patent is to be issued to and the addresses of each of them;
-set of images, that gives a full detailed notion of the item appearance;
-draft overview of the item, an ergonomic scheme, team chart, if they are necessary to reveal the essence of the industrial design;
-description of industrial design;
-list of the significant features of industrial design.

Photos, drawings, including those made using computer graphics, and replicas made using other methods can be used as the images of the item.

Supporting documents include:a document certifying payment of a patent duty in the established amount or the document certifying duty payment exemption, reduction or delay reasons.