3Application for a trademark registration
Summary of the procedure State fee paymentExpertise of an application

Contact details


Entity in charge

Federal institute of intellectual property, Rospatent

Berezhkovskaya nab., bld.30-1, 123995  Moscow
Phone: +7 (499)240-60-15 / +7 (499)240-61-38 
Tel. 1: +7 (499) 243-33-37 / +7 (499) 234-30-58
http://www.fips.ru/, http://www.rupto.ru/


1. 1 - Application-trademark registration 
Application-trademark registration  (original)
An application is to be presented in Russian language.
2. 2 - Documents regarding state duty payment  
Documents regarding state duty payment   (original)
To be presented in Russian or other languages. In this case translation in Russian language is to be presented.
3. 3 - Statute of a collective trademark 
Statute of a collective trademark  (original)
Is needed in case a collective trademark is to be registered.

Legal justification

1. 1 - Civil Code of RF (Part IV) 
Civil Code of RF (Part IV)
Decree of Government of Russian Federation No 941 dated December 10, 2008
Rospatent order №32 "Directions on execution, filing and pendency of application for trademark regis

Additional information

The application pack is to include:
- name and address of the applicant;
- name of the trademark to be registered;
- list of corresponding goods according to international classification of goods and services;
- description of the trademark.

An application might be presented in person or via a dully entitled representative.