5Payment of duty for the substantial check
Summary of the procedure Notification of a positive result of the formal checkApplication for substantial check

Contact details


Entity in charge

Any Bank in Moscow



1. 1 - EPO_bank details 
EPO_bank details  (original)
2. 2 - payment order form_for physical persons 
payment order form_for physical persons  (original)
3. 3 - Payment order form_for legal entities 
Payment order form_for legal entities  (original)


RUB 25,500 per contract / transaction amount  (One invention)
RUB 19,000 per contract / transaction amount  (Group of inventions)

For filing petition (after 6 months) an additional duty is paid in the amount of 50% of the duty stated by this subsection.
For filing petition to convert Eurasian patent application into a national patent application, an additional duty is paid in the amount of 6400 rubles.

Time frame

Duty payment receipt should be presented to European patent organization within three months from the date of payment stated therein. In case the payment certified by the corresponding receipt is not received to the account of Eurasian patent organization, the applicant or the patent holder must take the necessary measures to carry out the payment within three months from the moment notification is sent by EAPO

Legal justification

1. 1 - EPO_convention 

Additional information

The duty payment receipt is presented together with the petition on carrying out the examination of the Eurasian patent application as to substance. If the duty payment receipt is not presented, the petition is deemed not filed.